vfw|v f w in English

noun VFW (veterans of foreign wars)

society of veterans who served overseas during wartime

Use "vfw|v f w" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vfw|v f w" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vfw|v f w", or refer to the context using the word "vfw|v f w" in the English Dictionary.

1. VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters 406 W

2. VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters 406 W

3. Proposition1part(f).ThentheL♮-Concavityof˜J(w 1,w˜ 2,v)follows fromProposition1part(e)

4. If V and W are finite dimensional inner product spaces and T: V → W is a linear map, then the Adjoint T∗ is the linear transformation T∗: W → V satisfying for all v ∈ V,w ∈ W, hT(v),wi = hv,T∗(w)i

5. Serolo gy tes ting f or SR V2, STL V, and M Acacine herpe svirus 1 (w hen

6. Birgand, F, Giraud F (deceased), Chescheir G M, Skaggs R W and J W Gilliam

7. V. V. Chari is currently the Paul W

8. Additionally, the v-v or u-u ligature double-u (W w) was in use.

9. W = conv(u,v) Convolves vectors u and v

10. Birgand, F, Chescheir G M, Skaggs R W and J W Gilliam.

11. The Gaussian Copula model can also be constructed by introducing a vector of latent variables Z = Z V ∼ N p(0,Υ) that are related to the observed variables X = X V as X v = F−1 v (Φ(Z v)), v ∈ V, where F−1 v is the pseudo inverse of F v

12. Notethattheobjectivefunctionin(6)isseparableinvariables (w 1,w˜ 2)and(v,v).Thus,theL♮-Concavityof˜Jk ∗ (q 1,˜q 2)follows fromProposition2

13. Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe Inc., 776 F

14. W atanabe Sadamoto (1991) Preliminary report o f Afforestational

15. Official fashion film for [ep_Anoui] F/W 2012 collection

16. Prepare cycloheximide supplement as 1.0% (w/v) stock solution in 40% (v/v) solution of ethanol in water.

17. Agglutinator: 0.005% w/v poly (aspartic acid) polymer covalently attached to the HbA1c hapten in 20 mM sodium citrate buffer containing 0.1% w/v bovine serum albumin and 1% w/v nonreactive ingredients (10 μL dried in each cartridge)

18. Attern Recognition Kauai, Ha w aii, Decem b er 2001 V olume 2 P ages 331-336 Image Registration b y Aligning En tropies Clark F

19. Sulphuric acid solution containing about 30 % of H2SO4 (W/V)

20. Sulphuric acid solution, approximately 30 % H2SO4 (W/V), ammonia free

21. Barn & unga: Internationellt Vävcenter Arrangerar vävning för barn

22. F-class Bipod sling swivel mount w/quick-adjust elevation knob

23. The swollen Bioadhesive films were dried and again weighed (W f)

24. Bilinear forms and their matrices Joel Kamnitzer March 11, 2011 0.1 Definitions A Bilinear form on a vector space V over a field F is a map H : V ×V → F

25. Cisterner ar beh allare f or lagring av v atska